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La modélisation chronographique de la planification des projets de construction


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Francis, Adel (2004). La modélisation chronographique de la planification des projets de construction. Thèse de doctorat électronique, Montréal, École de technologie supérieure.

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Cette thèse, fait état du concept théorique, du modèle mathématique, de l'approche de modélisation chronographique de la planification des projets. La modélisation proposée se repose sur deux entités génériques: l'entité principale qui symbolise l'outil de production et l'entité dépendante qui détermine les contraintes relationnelles. Les autres contraintes sont présentées comme attributs ou mesures internes. La direction primaire utilise le temps. La direction secondaire, qui est optionnelle, peut montrer une autre contrainte.

Il s'agit d'une modélisation flexible et claire qui supporte le regroupement des sous-réseaux, les différentes tâches, unités, quantités, ressources ou surfaces de travail. L'information peut être représentée sur plusieurs niveaux de détails. Les analyses internes des activités en fonction des quantités comme unité de mesure du processus d'exécution sont acceptées. Les outils et les propriétés de cette modélisation s'intègrent formant une synergie. Cette synergie favorise une amélioration de la clarté visuelle, une flexibilité accrue et une adaptation facile aux changements.

Titre traduit

A chronographic approach for construction project planning

Résumé traduit

It has now been almost a hundred years since the first attempt at adopting a scientific method for the planning of a construction project. Despite methods application, research and innovation that has been done through the years, projects planning are still considered to be a complex function that entails some considerable, and sometimes unjustifiable, costs. The application of these methods through commercial computer programs in recent years has not resulted in much of an improvement to the process. The lack of fidelity in the representation of the execution process diminishes the degree of confidence in the project schedule developed. The degree of visual clarity of the graph created is in itself an obstacle to its use on a larger scale. In addition time scale scheduling representation is still today an action without definitive solution. Bibliographic researches, undertaken for this purpose, shows that the results obtained appear to be rudimentary only. As conclusion, project modeling based on time scale may be described as being underdeveloped.

This thesis, presents the theoretical concept, the graphical approach, the mathematical model, a prototype program, and a practical application for a new planning construction projects method called chronographic modeling. This proposed modeling is based on two generic entities: the principle entity that symbolizes the production tools and the dependant entity which determines the decisional functions and the relational constraints. Others constraints that have not been specifically identified by entities are represented as attributes or as external or internal measures of the principle entities. The primary direction of the logical flow primarily uses time as the external unit of measure. A secondary flow direction, which is optional, may show an additional constraint. The secondary constraint chosen may be different from the principle entity.

The results of the research are compatible with the original development objectives. It has resulted in a clear and flexible model that presents schedules in various interesting forms. A model which supports the grouping of sub-networks within schedules with unique logical flow. It also accepts the grouping of different tasks, units, quantities, resources or work areas in schedules represented on two direction of logical flow. Information may also be represented on numerous levels of hierarchical detail or a combination of these levels. The internal analysis of activities as a function of the quantities as a unit of measure of the execution process is accepted. The tools and the properties of the chronographic model are integrated to create a synergy. This synergy favors an improvement in the visual clarity, an increased flexibility, and more adaptability to changes.

Type de document: Mémoire ou thèse (Thèse de doctorat électronique)
Renseignements supplémentaires: "Thèse présentée à l'École de technologie supérieure comme exigence partielle à l'obtention du doctorat en génie". Bibliogr.: f. [322]-331.
Mots-clés libres: Chronographique, Construction, Contrainte, Controle, Echelle, Execution, Graphique, Informatique, Mathematique, Modelisation, Ordonnancement, Planification, Processus, Projet, Prototype, Temps
Directeur de mémoire/thèse:
Directeur de mémoire/thèse
Miresco, Edmond T.
Programme: Doctorat en génie > Génie
Date de dépôt: 21 avr. 2011 17:32
Dernière modification: 12 févr. 2015 00:20

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