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Conception d'un appareil de mesure de tension d'une courroie à trois points de déflexion


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Lajmi, Abdelmajid (2002). Conception d'un appareil de mesure de tension d'une courroie à trois points de déflexion. Mémoire de maîtrise électronique, Montréal, École de technologie supérieure.

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Dans la majorité des applications industrielles, l'utilisation des courroies dans les transmissions de puissance ne cesse d'augmenter. Les constructeurs de courroies sont conscients de l'importance de cet organe de transmission.

Des expertises montrent que le glissement, le défaut d'alignement, la tension de pose incorrecte, etc. causent la dégradation prématurée de la courroie et réduisent sa longévité. Le réglage de la tension est le point le plus sensible, soit dans le cadre d'une nouvelle installation, soit dans le cadre d'une réparation.

Le but de cette étude est de concevoir un appareil de mesure de tension à trois points de déflexion. Son principe consiste à imposer une déflexion qui produit une force transversale à la section de la courroie. L'effort de flexion est corrélé par calibrage avec la tension statique.

Cet appareil est pratique et trouve son application même dans les mécanismes encombrés et à espace réduit.

Titre traduit

Design of three-point deflection belt tension tester

Résumé traduit

In power transmission systems using belts, the proper belt tension is a major factor for extending life and preventing premature wear of belts, pulleys and bearings. Regular checking and adjusting belt tension thus constitute a preventive strategy as regards drive performance and efficiency of those types of power transmission systems. Belt tension testers using one point def1ection principle have been commonly used for its simplicity, but require a new calibration for each different span length between pulleys. To avoid many re-calibrations, a belt tension measuring device using three point def1ection principle has been built, tested and compared with finite element results.

A three-point deflection belt tension device has been developed and gives an easy way to accurately check static belt tensions. The principle used in this measurement is that the required force transversely applied to the belt in order to produce a given deflection is closely related to the tension in the belt. Turning a screw manually gives the wanted deflection of the belt while the corresponding transverse load is given by a calibrated strain gage bonded on the bearn which hold that screw.

First numerical simulation using the finite element method have been realized to establish the significant parameters of the testing device (span of the system, loads, stroke of the screw).

Second. numerous tests have been conducted in laboratory in order to relate the tension of the belt with the transverse load needed for a prescribed deflection, the given location of the belt span, and the shape section of the belt.

Third, a new set of simulation have been done to adjust and refine the boundary conditions effects, in order to predict more accurately the response of the testing device in similar experimentation. While good agreement have been observed between F .E. analysis and experiments in measuring belt tension with 3-point deflection device, finite elements results could be improved by considering more closely the properties and geometry of all components of the belt.

Finally. the experiments and Finite elements results give the best using conditions of the device:

• Optimum device span of 3-point deflection testers must be as small as possible and is limited simply by the size of end pins.
• The suggested deflection to be imposed for belt tension measurement is about 1/lOth of the device span.
• The belt tension testers based on 3-point deflection principle give reliable results, are easy to use and does not rely on the skill of operator.
• The belt tension testers based on 3-point deflection principle do not require recalibration for different span length between pulleys.

Type de document: Mémoire ou thèse (Mémoire de maîtrise électronique)
Renseignements supplémentaires: "Mémoire de maîtrise présenté à l'École de technologie supérieure comme exigence partielle à l'obtention de la maîtrise en technologie de système". Bibliogr.: p. [128]-130.
Mots-clés libres: 3, Appareil, Courroie, Deflexion, Mesure, Point, Puissance, Statique, Tension, Transmission, Trois
Directeur de mémoire/thèse:
Directeur de mémoire/thèse
Champliaud, Henri
Lê, Van Ngan
Programme: Maîtrise en ingénierie > Technologie des systèmes
Date de dépôt: 12 mai 2011 20:16
Dernière modification: 14 oct. 2016 01:15

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